Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

Iowa Republican Questions Democrat’s Egg Donation

From quadcitytimes:

A Republican candidate for Iowa attorney general criticized the Democratic incumbent on Monday for accepting a $10,000 campaign contribution in 2005 from the family at the heart of a national egg recall.

After candidate Brenna Findley admonished Attorney General Tom Miller about the contribution in a news release, he agreed to return the money.

Peter DeCoster, the son of Wright County Egg owner Austin “Jack” DeCoster, made the $10,000 donation to Miller on Dec. 28, 2005. The donation came after a 2000 agreement between the state and Jack DeCoster, in which he agreed to be labeled a “habitual offender,” a designation intended to prevent him from opening any new farms for about four years. He earlier had been repeatedly fined for environmental violations, many of them involving hog waste.

Wright County Egg now is at the heart of a recall of more than 550 million eggs that could contain salmonella. Some of the eggs were produced by another company, Hillandale Farms, that received feed from one of DeCoster’s businesses.

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