Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

NY: Democrat says he’ll use his Political Skills as Attorney General

From New York Law Journal:

Richard L. Brodsky, an opinionated and tenacious lawmaker who has often been accused of grandstanding during his 27 years in the state Assembly, says he has a major asset to offer voters in the race for attorney general: political skills.

Mr. Brodsky said that his insider’s experience in shepherding complex environmental and governmental reform bills through the Legislature and past a series of governors has honed his ability to recognize problems, to listen to different viewpoints and to craft workable compromises to seemingly intractable problems.

He insisted that those skills make him unique in a year when the four other Democratic candidates for attorney general are catering to disgust at corruption scandals and the inability of lawmakers to perform basic governmental functions, such as passing a budget on time. “Throw the bums out” might be an understandable reaction, he argues, but it will not correct the mess in Albany.

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