Today is Thursday, 19th September 2024

‘Fur is Flying’ in Democrat Attorney General Race

From The New York Daily News:

He’s also got a statewide robocall going out with the same audio as the video.

The robocall, in turn, produced this statement from RWDSU’s Stu Appelbaum, a Rice supporter: “I am offended by the many robocall attacks coming from the Schneiderman campaign. He is doing a disservice to New York voters and especially New York Democrats. Remember, both Hillary Clinton and Kathleen Rice were once Republicans who became committed Democrats. We need more people to do the same. Doesn’t the Albany legislator understand that? He shouldn’t be criticizing women like Kathleen for becoming Democrats. And frankly, I’d put Hillary Clinton and Kathleen Rice’s commitments to the Democratic Party up against State Senator Schneiderman’s any day.”

Rice, who according to Siena is tied with Schneiderman at 24% support among women despite being the only female in the five-way primary, have both rushed to rally female supporters.

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