Today is Wednesday, 18th September 2024

RI: AG Candidate Targets Drunk Drivers


Christopher H. Little, Moderate Party candidate for attorney general, is calling for a number of actions against Rhode Island’s drunken drivers in the wake of a front-page Sunday Providence Journal story that chronicled how Rhode Island’s laws fail to track repeat offenders in the way the federal government says it should.

Little, who last month advocated for the increased use of ignition-interlock devices to crack down on drunken drivers in Rhode Island, on Monday called for the immediate planning and scheduling of a Drunken Driving Summit “of all dedicated stakeholders in Rhode Island, including Mothers Against Drunk Driving.”

Little also called on the General Assembly to “unravel complex drunk-driving laws that make it too easy for those accused of drunk driving to refuse a breath test and get off. The legislature has clearly known of these issues, yet has not acted,” he stated.

Little also said that there should be better communication between the Department of Attorney General and the state’s city and town solicitors so drunken drivers “don’t slip through the cracks.”

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