Today is Wednesday, 18th September 2024

AG Coakley running against Ghost of Scott Brown


It’s only the second time in Massachusetts history that someone succeeded as a write-in for a statewide office.

And it’s the latest proof that Republicans are enthusiastic about this election. GOP voters were appalled by the prospect of Coakley being unopposed after she lost to Scott Brown in January’s special Senate election.

McKenna is a serious candidate. A former prosecutor, he says he’ll focus mostly on three issues: public trust in the Attorney General’s Office, illegal immigration and public corruption.

McKenna is now busy organizing for this six-week sprint. And he hopes to raise $750,000 so he can match Coakley in advertising.

In a sense, Coakley is running against the ghost of Scott Brown. Her negatives went up dramatically during her race against Brown and, ever since, she has been viewed as a weak, disappointing candidate.

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