Today is Thursday, 19th September 2024

OH: Republican and Democrat AG candidates Differ on Health Care Suit

From the Columbus Dispatch:

Twenty state attorneys general – including five Democrats – have joined a federal lawsuit in Florida challenging the insurance mandate.

Cordray said he studied the merits of the case, and a separate lawsuit brought by the Virginia attorney general, and concluded that the lawsuits have little legal merit and likely would waste time and money to litigate.

“It makes little difference if my name is on a brief in a Florida case,” Cordray said.

DeWine disagrees. He says fighting the Obama health-care mandates would be one of his priorities upon taking office.

“Ohio is a major state,” he said. “We need to be part of this.”

While DeWine aligns himself with national Republicans on health care, he’s also in lockstep with Republican gubernatorial candidate John Kasich’s plan to replace the state Department of Development with a private, nonprofit corporation. Cordray blasted the idea as a potential sweetheart deal for the executives who would sit on the corporation’s board. DeWine derided Cordray as unimaginative and opposed to job creation.

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